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9 judges brought to disciplinary responsibility in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, three judges of the Court of Appeal and six judges of the courts of first instance were brought to disciplinary responsibility for violating the requirements of the law, shortcomings that caused justified discontent of citizens. According to Trend, this was said at a meeting of the Judicial-Legal Council of Azerbaijan.

It was noted that 40 judges were nominated by the electoral committee of judges to the Judicial-Legal Council for specialization. In accordance with the rules for the selection of judges at the meetings of the Council, which lasted several days, each of these candidates was interviewed. In connection with their appointment, it was decided to submit relevant proposals to the head of state.

In addition, in accordance with the personnel reforms carried out in the judiciary and the results of the evaluation of the activities of the judiciary, judges with high training and professionalism have been appointed to the Supreme and Appeals Courts, and senior positions in the courts. The appeals of some judges in connection with the change of place of work were considered.

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