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Persons who delivered drugs from Aghstafa to Baku were detained

During the operation carried out by the staff of the anti-drug department of the Sabail District Police Department, about 4 kg of marijuana was found in a minibus carrying passengers from Aghstafa to Baku, reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan. In this case, Shahin Nagiyev, who organized the sale and distribution of drugs in the capital, was detained and handed over to the investigation.

In his testimony, Sh. Nagiyev said that he received drugs from an acquaintance living in the Agstafa district, Niyamaddin Nagiyev, who was also detained. The latter admitted that he had planted hemp bushes for sale and personal use, and after drying he sent them to Baku through Sh. Nagiyev. Hemp bushes have also been found.

On this fact, a criminal case has been initiated under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, investigative measures are ongoing.

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