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Changes in the procedure for appointing judges to higher courts

The procedure for appointing judges to higher courts is being changed, APA reports. This was reflected in the amendment proposed to the law “On Courts and Judges”, discussed at today’s meeting of the Milli Majlis.

According to the amendments, persons who, as a rule, have worked as judges of first instance for at least 3 years, not 5 years, can be appointed judges of higher courts.

In addition, according to Article 96 of the Law “On Courts and Judges” (“Terms of Office of Judges”), judges are appointed for the first time for a period of three years, and after this period, the work of judges is evaluated.

Based on the results of the assessment, a decision may be made to appoint a person who worked as a judge of the court of first instance to a higher court. In this regard, Article 94 of the Law “On Courts and Judges” changes the procedure for appointing judges of higher courts and changes 5 years to 3 years.

The bill was submitted to the vote and adopted in the first reading.

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