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Fifty more apartments provided to families of martyrs and war invalids

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan has provided apartments for another 50 families of martyrs and war invalids, reports with reference to the ministry. At the event for the presentation of documents for housing, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Vusal Nasirli stressed that the policy of President Ilham Aliyev is based on the principle of ensuring the well-being of citizens.

As part of the program, the department has already provided 260,000 services aimed at social support for 121,000 people, including members of martyr families and war veterans.

As one of the important areas of the social support program in the post-war period, martyr families and war invalids were provided with 4,300 apartments and private houses.

In total, 13,100 housing units were provided to this category of citizens over the past period.

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