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Investigation into the case of bribery of the former head of the department of a medical institution is completed

The investigation into the criminal case on bribery of the former head of the department of the Lankaran City Interdistrict Psychiatric Hospital Nasreddin Nuriyev has ended, reports All the collected materials on this case were sent for consideration to the Lankaran Court for Particularly Grave Crimes. The date of the preliminary meeting has not yet been set.

As a result of operational-search activities carried out in the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General, on the basis of citizens’ appeals, the head of the Lankaran GMPB department, N. Nuriyev, was detained while receiving a bribe while on duty.

The suspect was charged under articles 311.1 (taking a bribe) and 313 (forgery) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. According to the decision of the court, due to the advanced age of the accused, a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest was chosen against him. Also, N. Nuriyev was relieved of his post.

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