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Criminal case initiated against the head physician for taking a bribe

As part of the operational-search activities carried out by the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan, the head physician of the Masalli Central Regional Hospital, Eshgin Aliyev, was caught red-handed while receiving a bribe. As was informed in the supervisory agency, in the course of operational measures, reasonable suspicions arose that E. Aliyev received bribes during the current year for assigning pensions to citizens with entering information about diseases into the electronic information system, hiring people in the indicated medical institution and changing them. specialties.

During a search of his office, evidence that could be relevant to the case was found and confiscated.

In connection with these facts, a criminal case was initiated under Articles 311.3.2 (repeated bribe-taking), 178.2.3 (fraud using a person’s official position) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against E. Aliyev.

Currently, the investigation and operational-search activities are ongoing in the case.

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