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The former head of the municipality tried to appropriate land worth 1.8 million manat

The investigative department of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan has completed a preliminary investigation of the criminal case against the former head of the Sabail municipality, Ahmed Huseynov, reports citing the press service of the supervisory agency.

Thus, the investigation established reasonable suspicions that A. Huseynov, being in collusion with a group of persons, tried to illegally appropriate land plots worth 1 million 824 thousand manats, which belonged to the state. In addition, he entered false data into official documents.

Ahmed Huseynov was charged under articles 29, 178.4, 309.1, 313 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Also on December 27, 2022 the preliminary investigation was completed and the case was sent for consideration to the Baku Court for Grave Crimes.

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