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The next stage of social reforms

On January 5, 2023, President Ilham Aliyev signed an order on additional measures to improve the social welfare of the population, reports. In accordance with the order, from January 1, 2023, the amount of the minimum monthly wage is set at 345 manats. Taking into account the fact that until now the minimum monthly salary in the country was 300 manats, its growth, according to the order of the head of state, will be 15%.

The fact that the minimum wage is 40.2% higher than the subsistence minimum of 246 manats set for this year is also indicative.

The increase in the minimum wage will ensure the growth of wages at all levels of the unified tariff scale. Within a month, in accordance with the Decree of the head of state, the amounts of monthly tariff (official) salaries of workers in areas financed from the state budget will be adjusted.

The Cabinet of Ministers was also instructed to submit proposals to the President on bringing the minimum amount of labor pension to 280 manat, as well as proposals on increasing the amount of social benefits and scholarships, to the President within 10 days. The increase in the minimum pension will be 16.7% (from the previous 240 manats).

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the increase in the minimum wage and the wages of workers under a single tariff scale will cover a total of 700,000 working citizens, and an increase in the minimum amount of labor pensions – up to 100,000 pensioners. In general, an additional 750 million manat is planned for new increases in social payments this year. These increases will cover a total of 1.9 million citizens.

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