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Underage drug couriers arrested

Officers of the police department of the Tovuz region detained drug couriers distributing drugs imported into the country from Iran, news agency reported citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the investigation, it turned out that residents of the Shamkir region – Emin Mustafaoglu and two minors agreed to transport drugs to other regions of the country in exchange for 1,000 manats in cash and firearms. During the arrest, 1 kg 320 grams of heroin, 1 kg 585 grams of marijuana, 49 grams of methamphetamine were found and confiscated from them. The detainees testified that they agreed to deliver drugs in exchange for firearms and money, but they did not receive the weapons.

In addition, as a result of the operational-search activities carried out by the department’s officers, Yashar Aliyev, a resident of the Khatynly village of the Tovuz region, was detained, suspected of purchasing and storing narcotic substances for the purpose of sale. During a search of the detainee’s house, 5 bundles of marijuana of different weights were found.

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