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Investigation into the case of accused in involvement in terrorist attacks is completed

A preliminary investigation has been completed in the criminal case of Akif Osmanov, who is accused of participating in illegal armed groups outside of Azerbaijan, reports. The case has been sent to the Baku Grave Crimes Court and will be considered under the chairmanship of Judge Javid Huseynov.

The time of the preliminary preparatory hearing of the court has not yet been announced.

According to official information, within the framework of the comprehensive operational and investigative measures taken by the State Security Service (SSS) to combat international terrorism, a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan Akif was detained and arrested on suspicion of involvement in armed terrorist organizations in Turkey, and then due to lack of evidence, a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan Akif was released. Osmanov (born 1977) with a fake passport in the name of Uzbek citizen Ilerzhon Isanov. Nevertheless, reasonable suspicions arose that he was involved in terrorist attacks that were committed during armed conflicts outside the country, unleashed on the basis of religious hatred.

A. Osmanov was detained. He was charged under articles 12.1,279.1 (creation of armed formations or groups not provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as participation in their creation and activities, supplying them with weapons, ammunition, explosives, military equipment or military equipment, committed on the territory of a foreign state) Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. By a court decision, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against him.

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