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Head of Municipality charged with embezzlement

The investigation into the criminal case of the former chairman of the Aran municipality of Yevlakh region Gasham Akberov has been completed, Report news agency reported citing the district prosecutor’s office. He is accused of exceeding his official powers, as well as embezzling property of the municipality in the amount of 135,246 manats, which he appropriated while holding the position of head of the municipality from 2013 to 2020.

Based on the collected evidence, Gasham Akberov was charged under Article 179.3.2 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan (large-scale misappropriation or embezzlement), 308.2 (use of public funds without conducting a public procurement procedure and conducting illegal public procurement.) and 310 (exceeding the powers of an official).

The case was sent to the Sheki Court for Grave Crimes.

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