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Purposeful work is underway to provide social protection to families of martyrs on January 20 and persons with disabilities

The Azerbaijani state keeps in the spotlight the issues of social protection of families of martyrs on January 20 and persons who became disabled in connection with the January events, reports with reference to the public relations department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan. As a result of the successful social policy of President Ilham Aliyev, the social protection of these citizens, as well as representatives of other vulnerable groups of the population, is being strengthened from year to year.

Over the past period, the ministry provided 139 apartments to family members of martyrs on January 20 and about 100 cars to people who became disabled due to the January events. Social payments are constantly increasing. As part of the new package of social reforms being implemented since the beginning of 2023, the monthly pension of the President to the martyr family on January 20 has been increased to 600 manats, that is, the amount of the pension has increased by 2.5 times over the past five years.

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