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The former head of the executive power disclosed the amount he appropriated during the census

The court investigation of the criminal case of the former head of the Shamkir District Executive Power Alimpasha Mammadov is ongoing, reports. Today, at a meeting chaired by Judge Elmin Rustamov in the Ganja Court for Grave Crimes, 16 witnesses were interrogated – representatives of the Executive Office, chairmen of municipalities, kindergarten teachers and others.

All the witnesses confirmed their testimonies, which they gave during the preliminary investigation, and limited themselves to brief statements.

One of the episodes of the case is related to the misappropriation of funds during the census. According to representatives of the EW, the money collected during the census was transferred to the head of the Department of Statistics of the Shamkir region, Parvin Gezalov. He transferred the collected funds to Alimpasha Mammadov through Gudryat Aliyev, assistant to the head of the Executive Office.

A. Mammadov confirmed that he received 40,000 manats, thereby admitting his guilt.

The process will continue on January 31, 2023.

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