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Employees of a courier company involved in the sale of drugs were detained

Employees of one of the courier companies engaged in drug trafficking have been detained in Baku, reports with reference to the press service of the Azerbaijani Interior Ministry.

So, as a result of the operation carried out by the employees of the 9th department of the Sabail District Police Department, Subkhan Gakhramanov and Elgun Guliyev were detained. During a personal search, they found about 6 g of marijuana. They were found to have bought drugs online from a colleague named Ayhan. In the course of further operational measures, Aykhan Mammadov was detained, during a personal search of which, as well as an inspection of his house, about 7 g of marijuana were found. A. Mammadov stated that he had purchased drugs for the purpose of selling them from a man named Mohammed. Previously convicted Mukhammed Hajiyev was also detained, more than 5 kg of marijuana was found in his car.

M. Hajiyev said that he was selling drugs in the capital, hiding behind the work of a taxi driver. He noted that he bought marijuana from an Iranian citizen whom he met on social networks.

These facts are being investigated.

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