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Fraudsters deceived citizens for a large sum of money

As a result of operational-search activities carried out by the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan, illegal actions of persons who embezzled citizens’ money were revealed, reports citing the press service of the supervisory agency.

Thus, reasonable suspicions arose that Ilkin Babayev, Eldar Muradov and others, entering into a criminal conspiracy and posing as officials, fraudulently embezzled more than 150,000 manats from citizens who were promised help in finding employment.

Members of the criminal group were brought as defendants under articles 178.3.2 (large-scale fraud), 310 (embezzlement of powers of an official) and 32.4, 312 (incitement to give a bribe) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a measure of restraint was chosen against them by a court decision.

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