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Criminal case on offenses in Shamkir children’s district hospital sent to court

The criminal case on offenses in the Shamkir Children’s Regional Hospital has been sent to court, reports with reference to the press service of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan.

A preliminary investigation has been completed in a criminal case initiated by the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General in connection with the illegal actions of Arif Hajiyev, an official of the Shamkir Children’s District Hospital, subordinate to the Shamkir Central District Hospital, a legal entity of public law.

In the course of the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that A. Hajiyev, while working as the chairman of the medical advisory commission of this hospital, abused his official powers and entered false data into official documents for the illegal assignment of degrees of disability to people who do not have Down syndrome.

A. Hajiyev was charged under Articles 308.2 (abuse of official powers, entailing grave consequences) and 313 (forgery) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

The criminal case was sent for consideration to the Shamkir District Court.

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