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Housekeeper arrested on suspicion of stealing large amount of money

The police received information about the theft of 38,750 manats from an apartment in a house on N. Aliyev Street in the Khatai district of Baku, reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result of the activities carried out by the employees of the police department, reasonable suspicions arose that the theft was committed by the housekeeper Laman Jahangirova.

During the investigation, it was established that in the period from December 28 last year to February 14 of the current year, the attacker at different times stole from the safe, cache, and bag belonging to the owner of the apartment, stealing a total of 38,750 manats.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated in the District Police Department under Articles 177.2.3 and 177.2.4 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

L. Jahangirova was detained as a suspect.

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