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In January 2023, drugs for more than 26 million manats were withdrawn from circulation

In Azerbaijan, 631 people were prosecuted in connection with drug trafficking in January this year, reports citing and the report of the permanent working group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

According to the data, 39 detainees are aged 18-25, 92 are 26-29, and 500 are 30 and older. Among the detainees, 20 are women, the rest are men. 11 brought to criminal responsibility are foreign citizens. Nine of them are citizens of Iran, one of Turkey and one of Russia. In total, 27 kg 335.616 g of various types of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances were seized from them. 148 crimes were committed by previously convicted persons, 158 kg 470.5 g of various types of drugs and psychotropic substances were seized from them.

The document also states that in January of this year, as a result of complex investigative measures carried out by law enforcement agencies in the field of combating drug addiction and drug trafficking, 1,050 criminal facts were revealed. Of these, 352 are related to the illegal sale of drugs, 684 – to the illegal acquisition and storage of narcotic drugs, 6 – to the illegal cultivation of drug-containing plants, 8 – to other crimes of this category.

674 kg 760.289 g of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances were seized from illegal circulation, including 218 kg 743.7 g of heroin, 391 kg 912.157 g of marijuana, 12 kg 629.341 g of opium, 32 kg 320.25 g of hashish, 18 kg 944.491 g psychotropic substances and 210.35 g of other drugs. Also during this period, 8,970 methadone tablets, 28 hemp bushes weighing 1 kg 400 g, as well as 194.4 g and 1,540 capsules of potent substances were seized from illicit trafficking.

The total value of 674 kg 760.289 g of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances seized from illegal circulation amounted to 26,491,000 manats.

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