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Former embassy attache lost in Korea at bets of 347 thousand manats

A judicial investigation has been launched on the criminal case of Najib Osmanov, who worked as a financial attaché at the Azerbaijani Embassy in Korea, APA reports. The indictment was announced at the trial chaired by judge Leyla Askerova-Mammadova in the Baku Grave Crimes Court. The indictment notes that Najib Osmanov, from May 2021 to February 2022, appropriated 347,000 manats allocated for utility and insurance payments to embassy and embassy employees, and squandered them on bets in casinos and gambling.

He cashed out the funds at the bank after the payment orders were sealed and certified by Ambassador Ramzi Teymurov. However, this money was not spent for its intended purpose and was lost in the casino.

The former attache admitted that he went to this act, addicted to gambling. He pleaded guilty and expressed regret for what he had done.

Najib Osmanov was charged under Articles 179.3.2 (large-scale embezzlement), 308.2 (abuse of official powers with serious consequences) and 313 (official fraud) of the Criminal Code. A preventive measure not related to arrest was chosen against him.

In the case, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was compensated for $77,000 in damages.

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