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Recidivist drug courier arrested

As a result of an operation carried out by employees of the Mingachevir city police department, a local resident, previously convicted of a similar criminal act, Hilal Askerov, was detained on suspicion of drug trafficking and psychotropic substances, reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

So, during a personal search, more than 120 g of heroin and a large amount of methamphetamine were found and confiscated from the detainee. In his testimony, H. Askerov stated that he purchased drugs for 1,500 manats from an Iranian drug dealer, whom he met on Instagram.

H. Askerov, having gone to Baku for drugs smuggled into the country, picked up the parcel at a place indicated to him in advance, after which he returned to Mingachevir. Here he was detained by law enforcement officers and handed over to the investigation.

A criminal case has been opened on this fact, and the investigation is ongoing.

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