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Police detain suspected of stealing money from bank cards of pensioners

Employees of the 1st station of the Sumgayit State Unitary Enterprise, as a result of operational-search measures, detained a suspect in stealing money from bank cards, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the information, the victim told the police that, having approached an ATM, she asked a nearby person to help withdraw money from a bank card. The suspect inserted the card into the ATM, but then informed the victim that there was no money in the account. The attacker waited for the woman to leave, and then took 250 manat from an ATM and left the scene.

Law enforcement officers detained Aysel Aliyeva, suspected of committing this crime, previously convicted.

In her testimony, she confessed to her deed and said that she had stolen 120 manats from the bank card of another person who asked her for help in withdrawing money in the city of Sumgayit. A. Aliyeva committed theft mainly from the pension cards of the elderly.

The investigation into these facts is ongoing.

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