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A criminal case has been initiated in connection with violations in the institutions of the State Agency of Azerbaijan for Vocational Education

A criminal case has been initiated in connection with violations in educational institutions subordinate to the Azerbaijan State Agency for Vocational Education, Trend reports with reference to the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Thus, on the basis of materials received from the Accounts Chamber on violations of the law on the management of public funds by officials of vocational education institutions subordinate to the State Agency for Vocational Education, an investigation was conducted in the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General

During the investigation, grounds were established for suspicion that officials of certain vocational institutions subordinate to this Agency illegally transferred state budget funds to the bank accounts of various persons as wages and other payments, thereby causing significant damage to legally protected interests states.

On this fact, a criminal case has been initiated in the Main Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General and a preliminary investigation is underway.

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