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State Security Service: We are continuously monitoring suspicious cyber activity

For several years, security service providers have been operating in the Azerbaijani market, reports citing APA-Economics, citing the speech of the head of the Cybersecurity Center of the State Security Service, Davud Rustamov, at the conference “Cybercrime and cybersecurity barometer in Azerbaijan”.

“The State Security Service is actively fighting cyber threats. We continuously monitor suspicious activity and immediately share information with critical information infrastructures. In March, a cyberattack was recorded, as a result of which hackers hacked into the YouTube channel of an authoritative media structure with 300-400 thousand audience. Attackers began to distribute fake cryptocurrency through this channel by placing a malicious program on it. Seeing that this channel has a large audience, and it may include members of our families, users share links. As a result, when downloading them, users’ devices become infected with a virus,” Davud Rustamov said.

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