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State Border Service: results of the activity of the service in April of this year

For violation of the state border during April this year, the State Border Service (SBS) of Azerbaijan detained 41 people, reports with reference to the press center of the SBS. Of the total number of detainees, 22 people are citizens of Azerbaijan, 10 violators are registered from Nepal, five from Sri Lanka, two from Tajikistan, one citizen of Iran and Pakistan each.

As part of the fight against illegal migration, 20 people were detained with fake passports, visas and stamps, one person tried to cross the state border bypassing the checkpoint.

691 people were detained for violating the rules of the border regime, and appropriate measures were taken against them.

260 wanted people were detained and transferred to the relevant authorities, 446 people who do not have the right to leave Azerbaijan were prevented from leaving the country. Also, during the reporting period, 20 people were denied entry to the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

As a result of measures to combat drug trafficking, 971 kg 317 g of drugs and 25,585 tablets of psychotropic drugs were found and seized.

Smuggling worth a total of 28,565,509 manats was detained, including 9mm pistol cartridges, drones designed for video filming, jewelry, gold jewelry, drugs and tobacco products.

Measures are being taken to organize reliable protection of the state borders of the country.

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