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Fraud suspect detained

As a result of operational search activities carried out by employees of the Salyan District Police Department, a man was detained who committed fraud against a local resident and was wanted for this crime, reports with reference to the Shirvan regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the information, a previously convicted native of Baku, Faig Abiyev, was detained, who, through fraud, appropriated a significant amount of money belonging to one of the residents of the district. During the investigation, it was established that he took advantage of the citizen’s trust and received 3,700 manats from him under the pretext of restoring the previously suspended social payment to one of the victim’s relatives. In addition, F. Abiyev took another 6,500 manats from this person for the release of his relative, who is in places of deprivation of liberty, thereby obtaining a total of 10,200 manats.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated in the Salyan RUP. By the decision of the court in respect of F. Abiyev, a measure of restraint in the form of detention was chosen.

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