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Police detained suspected counterfeiters

In the Barda region, the police detained suspects in the circulation of counterfeit money, reports with reference to the regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result of operational-search activities, Agadadash Agayev, a resident of the Aghdam district, was detained on suspicion of this crime. During a personal search, 17 counterfeit 100-dollar bills were found on him, which he purchased from his fellow villager Rovshan Ibragimov for 75 manats each.

R. Ibragimov was detained in Baku and taken to the department. During the search, two counterfeit 100-dollar bills were found and seized from him.

A criminal case has been opened on this fact. By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen for both.

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