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Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Border Service of Azerbaijan: 400 kg of drugs seized from illegal circulation

The Main Directorate for Combating Drugs for a month withdrew 400 kg of narcotic drugs worth 15 million manats from illegal circulation, reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is noted that as a result of a joint operation of the Western Regional Department of this department and the State Border Service (SBS) of Azerbaijan, in the conditions of difficult terrain, the importation of 160 kg of drugs into the country (100 kg of marijuana and 60 kg of opium, enhanced with psychotropic substances) was prevented.

The video of the operation to arrest Tarlan Khasmamedov, who organized the delivery of these drugs to the country, on the border with Iran in the Beylagan region, was distributed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan.

It was noted that during the month, employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Drugs detained 49 people during operations carried out in the capital and regions against partners operating in Azerbaijan, who sent drugs from Iran under various conditional names. 400 kg of drugs, psychotropic substances, as well as 3,600 ecstasy and methadone tablets were seized from illicit trafficking.

As a result of a series of operations, a serious blow was dealt to the channels through which drugs were delivered to Azerbaijan from Iran. Operations are ongoing to detain other members of the drug network both in Azerbaijan and abroad.

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