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A criminal case has been opened against the school director

In Azerbaijan, a criminal case has been initiated in connection with the violations found in an educational institution, reports with reference to the prosecutor’s office of the Dashkesan region.

Thus, on the basis of citizens’ complaints about the illegal actions of Mammad Mammadov, director of the secondary school named after Mikayil Mustafayev in the village of Bayan, an investigation was conducted. In the course of the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that during 2017-2023 he appropriated large amounts of funds allocated from the state budget by attributing additional teaching hours to unqualified teachers and illegally accruing their salaries.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated in the prosecutor’s office under articles 179.2.2 (repeated misappropriation or embezzlement of another’s property) and 308.1 (abuse of official powers) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The preliminary investigation is ongoing.

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