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The gang that committed thefts from private houses was neutralized

As a result of operational-search activities carried out by employees of the Ujar regional police department, a gang of three people was detained, who stole from three private residential buildings located in the district, Report informs citing the Shirvan regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result of operational activities carried out by the employees of the department, residents of the Ujar region Ayaz Ahmadov, Ramil Aliyev and Elshad Huseynov were detained on suspicion of committing theft.

During interrogation, all three confessed to the crime. In the course of the investigations, it turned out that A. Ahmedov, R. Aliyev and E. Huseynov at different times illegally entered three private residential buildings located in the district, and stole a TV set, a samovar, a music center, carpets, as well as various household items and equipment. The gang members, who caused material damage to the victims in the total amount of about 10,000 manats, sold part of the stolen booty at a low price and divided the money among themselves. Some of the belongings and equipment were confiscated by the police as material evidence.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated in the investigation department of the Ujar District Police Department, and a measure of restraint in the form of detention was chosen against the detainees.

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