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The official opening ceremony of the Year “Shusha – the cultural capital of the Turkic world-2023” was held

On May 12, 2023, in the city of Shusha, with the joint organization of the Ministry of Culture and TURKSOY, the official opening ceremony of the Year “Shusha – the cultural capital of the Turkic world-2023” was held, Trend reports. The event, organized in accordance with the decree of the President of Azerbaijan dated December 6, 2022, provides for the participation of officials of the country, delegations of member countries of the International Organization of Turkic Culture – TURKSOY, heads of cooperation organizations of Turkic countries and other guests.

After the official opening ceremony, performances by creative teams of the Turkic countries and familiarization with exhibitions took place.

On March 31, 2022, in the Turkish city of Bursa, by the decision of the Permanent Council of the Ministers of Culture of the TURKSOY member countries, the ancient city of Shusha, the cradle of the art of mugham, was declared the “Cultural Capital of the Turkic World” in 2023. The International Music Festival “Kharibulbul” held from May 9 to 11 this year in Shusha was attended by music and dance groups, artists of the member countries of TURKSOY.

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