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Police operation in Baku: 92 people detained

In April-May 2023, the employees of the anti-narcotics department of the Sabunchu District Police Department continued operations against drug trafficking in the villages of Bakikhanov, Balakhani, Ramana, Zabrat, Bilgya, Pirshagi, Kurdakhany, Mashtaga, etc., during which 91 suspected drug trafficking, reports with reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan.

During the investigation, it was found that some of the detainees had purchased drugs from drug dealers living in Iran. About eight kilograms of heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine were found in their homes. A criminal case has been initiated against each of them. Law enforcement officers continue measures to combat drug trafficking in the district. Since the beginning of this year, in the course of operations in the Sabunchu region, a total of 43 kg of prohibited substances have been seized from illegal circulation.

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