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Accounts Chamber: Nakhchivan International Airport evaded payments to the budget

The decree of the President of the country was incorrectly applied at the Nakhchivan International Airport, APA reports. This conclusion was reached by the Accounts Chamber after checks at the airport. Thus, in violation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 629 of 06.09.1997, 50% of 59.615 manats, that is, 29.807 manats, were not transferred to the state budget for the period of leasing state property. Aeroport Taksi LLC also violated the requirements of the decree and did not transfer to the state budget during the period of leasing state property 50% of the rent, which is 36,400 manats, that is, 18,200 manats.

The chamber’s report also states that the tax payable to the state budget by the Nakhchivan International Airport was paid to another institution.

This became known after checks carried out by the Accounts Chamber at the airport. Thus, the value-added tax in the amount of 116,300 manat, payable to the budget on imported goods purchased by the airport in 2021-2022, was transferred not to the state budget, but to the Development and Defense Fund of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

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