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The police prevented the activities of cybercriminals and extortionists

The Ministry of Internal Affairs received information about a cyber attack on the network and data servers of one of the largest companies in the food sector in Azerbaijan, reports citing the ministry.

It is noted that the encrypted data of the persons who carried out the cyber attack were carefully analyzed by the police, and the identity and coordinates of these persons were established using application software. As a result of operational and technical measures, the members of the gang who committed the crime – Murad Rzayev, Ibrahim Alesgerov and Elvin Alimammadov, were detained, who, using special algorithms and social engineering methods, managed to gain access to information constituting a commercial secret and placed on the company’s servers. These persons were detained while trying to sell the said information for 60,000 manats.

They promised to continue transferring data and demanded an additional payment of 10,000 manats for each month.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Articles 271.2.2 (illegal access to a computer system by a group of persons by prior agreement) and 272.2.2 (illegal acquisition of computer data by a group of persons) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against the detainees.

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