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85 corruption cases initiated in Azerbaijan this year

This year, operational structures initiated 85 cases in the Main Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General. Report informs, this was announced at an expanded operational meeting at the General Department.

It was noted that as a result of 19 operational-search activities, 28 people were caught red-handed, 18 wanted persons were detained.

Of the completed criminal cases, 68 cases against 136 persons were sent to the courts for serious crimes, 4 cases against 4 persons were sent to the military courts, while 72 criminal cases against 78 persons were sent to the district (city) courts.

As a result of the measures taken by the Main Department for Combating Corruption under the General Prosecutor’s Office, out of 30 million 497 thousand 159 manats of material damage, 11 million 788 thousand 890 manats were compensated.

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