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Judgment issued against journalists accused of extortion

The Supreme Court has completed consideration of the cassation appeal against the sentence of journalists Asaf Novruzov and Magsud Safarov, accused of extortion, reports At the meeting chaired by Judge Nazim Movsumov, the cassation was not satisfied.

It is noted that the head of the portal Asaf Novruzov, colluding with the employee of the same site Magsud Safarov, threatened officials of various government agencies, institutions and organizations to disseminate untrue information that could damage their business reputation, and extorted money from them.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated, A. Novruzov and M. Safarov were charged under Articles 182.2.1 (extortion committed by a group of persons) and 182.2.2 (extortion committed repeatedly) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against them by a court decision.

The Baku Grave Crimes Court sentenced the journalists to seven years in prison. The Baku Court of Appeal reduced their sentence to five years. In other parts of the verdict was left unchanged.

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