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The case of a group of persons who created illegal an armed formation was submitted to the court

The criminal case against a group of persons who carried out activities to create an illegal armed group, the investigation of which was completed in the State Security Service, has been submitted to the Sumgayit Court for Grave Crimes, Trend reports. They were charged under articles 274 (high treason), 28, 279.1-1 (creation of an illegal armed group on the basis of religious radicalism) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

According to the materials of the case, on behalf of representatives of a foreign organization, three Azerbaijani citizens committed treason in the form of espionage, collecting and transmitting information that could be used to the detriment of state security. In accordance with the instructions received, they, having previously agreed with other accused, carried out preparatory actions for the creation and participation in the activities of secret armed formations and groups, on the basis of religious hatred, religious radicalism and religious fanaticism in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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