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Internationally wanted accused person in Meshaly genocide case detained

An internationally wanted accused in the case of the Meshali genocide has been detained, Trend reports citing the press service of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan.

“The investigation of the criminal case initiated by the military prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code on the fact of genocide, the deportation of persons of Azerbaijani nationality in the village of Meshali in the Khojaly region, the destruction of numerous property belonging to the villagers and the state by illegal Armenian armed groups on December 22, 1991, continues.

The investigation established that on the specified day, a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan Khachatryan Vagif Cherkezovich, born in 1955, born and living in the village of Badara, Askeran region, worked as a driver in the automobile transport enterprise of the city of Khankendi together with other persons of Armenian nationality in order to completely destroy the Azerbaijanis living in Meshali village as a single national group, using various types of weapons, including firearms and infantry fighting vehicles, having carried out an armed attack on this village, killed 25 people of Azerbaijani nationality, inflicted bodily injuries of varying degrees on 14 people, expelled 358 Azerbaijanis from their places of legal residence without grounds provided for by international legal norms and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In addition, Khachatryan Vagif Cherkezovich, continuing joint criminal actions with persons by prior agreement, destroying and damaging property belonging to the state and villagers, caused material damage in the total amount of 5,496,900 manats.

In connection with the emergence of sufficient reasonable suspicions, a decision was made to bring Vagif Khachatryan as an accused under Article 103 (genocide) and 107 (deportation or forced resettlement) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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