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Head of hospital department charged

As a result of operational-search activities carried out by the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General, illegal actions of the head of the tuberculosis department of the Salyan Central District Hospital Khanysh Abbasov were revealed, reports citing the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

According to the information, law enforcement officers revealed serious suspicions that Kh. Abbasov included false information in the content of medical indications about the diagnosis of the disease and hospital treatment in exchange for bribes received from various persons to determine the degree of disability.

On the basis of preliminary evidence obtained in a criminal case initiated on this fact, he was brought as a defendant under Articles 308.1 (abuse of official powers when causing significant damage), 311.2 (receiving a bribe by an official for illegal actions) and 313 (official fraud) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, a measure of restraint in the form of detention was chosen against him.

Operational and investigative measures are ongoing to identify other illegal acts of the accused, as well as other perpetrators in the case.

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