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Litigation on the fact of misappropriation of more than half a million manats has begun

A court session was held in Baku on the criminal case of Orkhan Mammadov, Zaur Babayev, Jabrayil Jabrayilov, Fuad Khalilzade and Murad Rasulov, who are accused of embezzling funds from the company, reports citing Report. At the trial, chaired by the judge of the Baku Grave Crimes Court Ali Mammadov, public prosecutor Eldar Khamza announced the indictment.

The investigation established that the defendants embezzled a total of 525,000 manats to İnteqral CJSC. These citizens worked in various positions in this company. O.Mammadov, Z.Babayev, J.Jabrailov and M.Rasulov pleaded not guilty to the charges. Only F. Khalilzade pleaded partially guilty.

The next court hearing is scheduled for August 14, 2023.

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