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Work is underway to provide social support to the families of military personnel who died during anti-terrorist measures

Work is underway to provide social support to the families of Azerbaijani military personnel who died during anti-terrorist measures, Trend reports with reference to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan. A wide range of social support measures are noted, carried out on behalf of the head of state after the 44-day war, in relation to the families of martyrs, persons with disabilities due to the war, and war participants. The minister emphasized that providing social support to the families of military personnel who died during local anti-terrorist measures, as well as military personnel injured during these activities, is currently one of the main areas of activity, and in this regard, corresponding work is being carried out.

It is reported that the program to provide apartments and private houses to the families of martyrs and war veterans with disabilities was successfully continued. It was noted that this year citizens from these categories were provided with another 750 apartments and private houses, in the post-war period – 5,250, and in total over the past period – 14,050, and the implementation of this program will continue.

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