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Customs officer accused of bribery will spend seven years in prison

The Baku Court of Appeal has considered the appeal of Javid Mamedov, a former employee of the Shirvanli customs post of the Northern Territorial Main Customs Directorate of the State Customs Committee (SCC), accused of bribery, reports. At the meeting, the state prosecutor justified his protest. The prosecutor stated that the case was not properly considered in the court of first instance, and a lenient sentence was imposed on the accused of committing the crime.

The prosecution noted in its speech: “The defendant’s sincere repentance for his actions, the fact that he had not previously committed crimes, and his young age, considered as mitigating circumstances, cannot be considered fair from the point of view of preventing the commission of new crimes by both the defendant and other persons.” The defendant’s lawyer asked to dismiss the protest and maintain the suspended sentence imposed on his client. The defense also asked to reduce the probation period by one year.

The panel of judges chaired by Gadim Babayev considered only the prosecutor’s protest justified. According to the decision, J. Mamedov was found guilty of taking a bribe and sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison. He was arrested in the courtroom.

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