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More than 14 thousand apartments and private houses were provided to the families of martyrs and war veterans

As a sign of President Ilham Aliyev’s special concern for the families of martyrs and war veterans, their pensions have been increased 6 times over the past period. In addition, one-time payments were assigned to the families of martyrs and war veterans. Report informs, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Sahil Babayev said this at the conference “20 years of unprecedented service to the Motherland, people and statehood” held in Baku.

He noted that the housing program for citizens from this category has been expanded 5 times. Over the past 3 years, 5,300 apartments and private houses have been provided to the families of martyrs and war veterans, for a total of 14,100 apartments and houses. 7.5 thousand cars were provided to disabled war veterans.

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