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The court rejected the complaint of the accused of fraud for more than 3 million manat

The Supreme Court of Baku has completed its consideration of the cassation appeal against the judgement against Afsun Ahmedli, accused of fraud on a particularly large scale. According to, the decision was announced at a trial chaired by judge Shahin Yusifov, according to which the complaint was not satisfied.

The Baku Serious Crimes Court sentenced A. Ahmedli to 12 years in prison. According to the indictment, Afsun Ahmedli committed fraud on a particularly large scale, posing as an entrepreneur with competence, skills and connections in various areas of business. The investigation materials note that he made promises to some of the victims to organize the import and sale of pine from Iran to Azerbaijan, to import and sell chicken thighs in China, etc., but did not keep his promises.

Several victims are involved in the criminal case, from whom he took a total of 3,378,837 manats. Later A. Ahmedli was detained based on a complaint from the victims. A preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against him.

During the investigation, he was charged under Articles 178.4 (fraud causing particularly large damage) and 320.1 (forgery, illegal production or sale of official documents, state awards, seals, stamps, forms or use of counterfeit documents) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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