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An Iranian citizen was detained for trying to smuggle drugs into Baku

As a result of an operation carried out by employees of the Bilasuvar district police department, on a section of the Alyat-Astara highway passing through the territory of the village of Khirmandaly, Iranian citizen Lavi Sefidgari Mohammad was detained, who organized illegal drug trafficking in Azerbaijan. As Trend reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during an inspection of the suspect’s car, 4 kilograms of opium (a narcotic drug) and 1 kilogram of methamphetamine (a psychotropic substance) were discovered and seized. The investigation established that the detainee was instructed to deliver a drug smuggled into the country to the capital in order to organize its sale.

As a result of another operation carried out by employees of the department in the Bilasuvar district, a resident of the city of Ganja, Ismail Guliyev, who also took part in organizing illegal drug trafficking, was detained. He was found to have 6 kilograms of drugs, including 4 kilograms of heroin and about 2 kilograms of methamphetamine.

It is noted that over the past month, employees of the Bilasuvar District Police Department detained and brought into investigation 17 people suspected of drug trafficking. During operations carried out in the district since the beginning of this year, a total of 105 kilograms of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances were seized from illicit trafficking.

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