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Court decision on cassation appeal against the verdict of a person accused of fraud

The Supreme Court has completed its consideration of the cassation appeal against the verdict against Mikail Abdullayev, accused of fraud, reports. The decision was announced at the trial chaired by Judge Vidadi Jafarov, according to which the complaint was not satisfied.

The Baku Serious Crimes Court sentenced M. Abdullayev to five years in prison. He was arrested in the courtroom.

It should be noted that M. Abdullayev, taking advantage of the citizen’s trust, under the pretext of forging documents to obtain an extract for land plots located in the Goradil Baglar massif in the Binagadi district, embezzled a total of 46,500 manats.

He made a false promise to another citizen to obtain an extract for a land plot and received 12,000 manats for this.

M. Abdullayev was charged with fraud, violation of the right of ownership, use or lease of land.

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