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Director of the regional forestry center arrested

The Main Anti-Corruption Directorate under the Prosecutor General has opened a criminal case into the receipt of a bribe by the director of the Lankaran Regional Forestry Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Amil Abdullayev, Report informs citing the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Reasonable suspicions were established that Amil Abdullayev had received a bribe in the amount of 14,900 manats in exchange for the provision of a land plot on the balance sheet of the Lankaran Regional Forestry Center for use for various purposes.

Based on the evidence collected in the case, Amil Abdullayev was charged under Article 311.3.3 (Taking a bribe on a large scale) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic and a court decision was taken against him as a preventive measure in the form of detention.

Currently, investigative actions are ongoing to identify all the circumstances related to the criminal case.

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