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Public opinion regarding the peace period in the region was studied in Azerbaijan

The Center for Social Research (CSR) conducted another survey to determine society’s expectations regarding the beginning of a new era, a period of peace in the South Caucasus.

As the Center for Social Research told APA, for this purpose citizens were asked to answer the question “To what extent do you agree with the opinion that a new era is beginning in the region – a period of peace?”

It turned out that the vast majority of respondents adhere to the position that a new era of peace has, to one degree or another, arrived in the region. Thus, 59.4% of respondents said that they completely agreed with the opinion about the beginning of a period of peace, and 31.5% of survey participants said that they mostly agreed with this. 5.7% of respondents generally disagreed with this opinion, and 2.3% of respondents said they strongly disagreed with this opinion. 1.0% of respondents found it difficult to express their opinion.

Please note that data collection for the current survey was conducted from October 18 to October 20, 2023. The survey was conducted in the form of a telephone interview in 12 economic regions, and involved 1,212 respondents over 18 years of age. The survey was conducted in cities and regions, maintaining gender equality of respondents in proportion to the population. Considering the number of respondents covered by the survey, the margin of error in the results is 3% with a confidence interval of 95%.

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