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The prosecutor demanded severe punishment for the person accused of embezzlement of more than 700 thousand manats

The consideration of the criminal case of the former adviser to the chairman of the Center for International Relations Research Jebrail Farzaliyev has been completed, reports. The prosecutor spoke at a meeting chaired by the judge of the Baku Court of Serious Crimes, Farid Namazov. He petitioned for 12 years in prison for Jebrail Farzaliev.

The next court hearing is scheduled for December 25, 2023.

PASHA Bank OJSC and the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan were recognized as victims in the case. J. Farzaliyev is accused of embezzling 385,000 manats from the Youth Fund and 342,000 manats from PASHA Bank.

He was charged under articles 178.3.2 (fraud causing large damage), 179.3.2 (large embezzlement), 308.2 (abuse of official powers) and 313 (official forgery) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

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