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Azerbaijan extradited to Russia three persons on the international wanted list

Azerbaijan handed over to Russia an internationally wanted citizen of Turkmenistan and two citizens of the Russian Federation, Report informs citing the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office. The wanted persons were previously detained on the territory of Azerbaijan; they were transferred to law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation on the basis of a petition from the Prosecutor General’s Office of this country.

Citizen of Turkmenistan Atamyradov Maktymkuly Atamyradovich is accused in Russia of violating traffic rules and operating vehicles, resulting in the death of the victim. Russian citizen Nasyrov Sardar Suleymanovich was wanted on charges of committing premeditated murder and robbery as part of a group of persons. Another citizen of the Russian Federation, Mikailov Misir Babagadir ogly, was transferred to ensure the execution of a sentence of two years in prison for intentionally causing grievous bodily harm.

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