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The amount of funds spent by the YAŞAT Foundation on consumer loans over three years has been announced

Over the past three years, the funds spent by the fund on repaying consumer loans and other debt obligations amounted to 7,011,408.82 manats, reports with reference to the head of the YAŞAT Foundation, Elvin Huseynov, who spoke at the reporting conference on the activities of the fund for three years.

According to E. Huseynov, over the course of three years, the Yaşat Foundation satisfied a total of 2,300 requests regarding the repayment of consumer loans and other debt obligations, including 918 requests from family members of martyrs, three requests from family members of missing persons and 1,379 requests from persons injured. At the initiative of the fund, enterprises repaid debt in the amount of 126,392.73 manats to repay debt obligations.

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